Website development and design is divided into a number of key steps. Each step we discuss in detail with you. In our work we do not use templates because every website is drawn and developed individually for every client.
On the first stage of website development we found out as much as possible necessary information about your business and its processes.
This stage is important for us to understand what is your target audience, for what purpose they visit your website and what kind of product or service you offer.
After your target audience research, we come up with a work plan in coordination with you and begin to develop a website prototype.
Website prototype is a schematic indication of each page's content. In this stage it is important for us to plan the content of every page and schematically arrange blocks of information in it.
When websites prototype scheme of every page has been confirmed from your side, we are launching an immediate design development.
Designer's task is to provide the website visitors the information that was planned during website prototype development.
Our designers can draw the basic concept, than managers will coordinate this concept and, if necessary, return to designers for adjustments.
On this stage it could already be seen how your website will look like and be able to make all the necessary corrections and suggestions.
When the website design is developed and you've confirmed it, then our next step is website development and programming.
At this stage, you are required a minimum time, since we already know how website should look like and work. Your task at this stage is to provide all the necessary materials for the website content, which we fille in before it becomes publicly available.
After the website has been published, we will continue to cooperate closely in the training of how to use the site to add and edit its content.
At any time we can turn to in order to make the necessary improvements and implement new ideas.